Did an amazing interview with Domenico and Megan from MTV's That's Amore! Click The Picture above to listen.
Lip Service Radio Lead Stories
Friday, April 18, 2008
That's Amore!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Shy From Flavor Of Love 3 Disses Hotlanta On
We here at recently interviewed Shy From Flavor Of Love 3 and she had a lot to say about Hotlanta
check out the video:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hotlanta Joins Tonight!
Saturday, April 5, 2008 WANTS YOU! To Be Are NEW Co-Host is searching for a new Co-Host and if you think you are interested you can email me at and title the subject line New Co-Host or, to make it easier just respond to this blog by leaving a comment with your email in it, and I will get back to you!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Uh Oh ... rapper Fat Joe might have just started an incident. has just learned that while on Chicago's top rated Leon Rogers radio show on 107.5 FM, he claimed that the Rev. Al Sharpton - a fierce critic of The N Word - gave him permission to use the term.
Here's the video:
There's gonna be some fallout on this one. If you wanna hear it go down, listen to Leon's show this afternoon - it's gonna be GOOD!! If you're in Chicago, you can tune in to 107.5 WGCI. If not you can hear it online here.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Jennifer Hudson's Long Term Realtionship is OVER!
Look out Hollywood, J Hud's on the loose. has learned that Jennifer Hudson and her fiance James Payton have ended their long term relationship - and that Jennifer is actively dating.
And when we say activelydating, we mean actively dating. One of Jennifer's pals tells, "[J Hud] has gone out with a lot of guys, but nothing serious ... Don't get me wrong she's definitely not a hoe or anything, but she's just trying to see what's out there. And in L.A. there's a whole lot out here."
Well can't say we blame her. She's been looking fabulous lately...
Beyonce Transforms Into Etta James On Set Of New Movie ‘Cadillac Records’
Beyonce is on the set of her new film, Cadillac Records, about the life of soulful jazz singer Etta James. I love Etta James and I’m excited about this film. Beyonce has some big shoes to fill and I hope she has the acting skills to pull this off. Etta James has a lot of spunk and spirit. Here’s what Mrs. Etta James had to say about Beyonce starring in the film:
“It’s a privilege and an honor to have somebody like that girl. I don’t think she looks like me, but that’s all right. They can fix that up.”
“I have my own way of putting those songs over, and I was just wondering if BeyoncĂ© could, and my son said, ‘They’re thinking about how she looks, but mama, she can really sing!’”
“I wasn’t as bourgie as she is, she’s bourgeois. She knows how to be a lady, she’s like a model. I wasn’t like that… I smoked in the bathroom in school, I was kinda arrogant, so those are some of the things I would want to tell her.”
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Shy of Flavor Of Love 3 is Dead!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
3LW is OVER!... Jessica Benson wants to go out with a "BANG" by exposing her group members.
So when I say "3LW" Most of you might say WHO??? But if I start singing there only hit "No More.. Baby Ima Do Right" than you will go... Oh yeah the group with that girl with the beaver teeth who can't sing to save her life, Yes that group. Fans of 3LW were waiting for there 3rd album Point Of No Return (yeah NO RETURN is right) and they waited and waited , and every time the girls were asked about the album they would say "after the Cheetah Girls projects are over than they will focus on 3LW"... But now Jessica (replacement for original dark skin chick) finally opened up and said on her myspace that 3LW is officially OVER! She explained there was "too much drama"
but that's not all she had to say, she also wrote a blog "EXPOSING" the other too members... The blog was set to private, (but you know that would not stop us here at check out what she had to say about her group members by clicking the picture below.
Distant Star EXPLODES!
The explosion of a star halfway across the universe was so huge it set a record for the most distant object that could be seen on Earth by the naked eye.
The aging star, in a previously unknown galaxy, exploded in a gamma ray burst 7.5 billion light-years away, its light finally reaching Earth early Wednesday.
The gamma rays were detected by NASA's Swift satellite at 2:12 a.m. "We'd never seen one before so bright and at such a distance," NASA's Neil Gehrels said.
NASA has no reports that any sky-watchers spotted the burst, which lasted less than an hour.
Telescopic measurements show that the burst - which occurred when the universe was about half its current age - was bright enough to be seen without a telescope.
The starburst would have appeared as bright as some of the stars in the handle of the Little Dipper constellation, said Pennsylvania State University astronomer David Burrows.
How it looked wasn't remarkable, but the distance traveled was. The 7.5 billion light years away far eclipses the previous naked-eye record of 2.5 million light years. One light year is 5.9 trillion miles.
"This is roughly halfway to the edge of the universe," Burrows said.
Before it exploded, the star was about 40 times bigger than the sun.
The explosion vaporized any planet nearby, said Gehrels, chief of NASA's astroparticles physics lab at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Diddy In Hiding After Threats From LA Gang Members??? has learned that since the Los Angeles Times' recent article suggesting that Diddy was involved in Tupac's shooting, the hip hop mogul has been in fear for his life.
A person close to Diddy explained, "His security team doesn't feel that it's wise for him to make too many public appearances until this all blows over."
And it couldn't happen at a worse time for Diddy. The insider tells, "He should be out promoting Danity Kane's new release, but instead he has to be worried about all this." The insider continued, "This is costing him money ... He's [likely] going to have to take the L.A. Times to court over this."
Jordin Sparks New Boy Friend???? has learned that American Idolstar Jordin Sparks is dating R&B singer, and Ludacris Protégé, Steph Jones. Steph is best known for singing on the Ludacris hit song Celebrity Chicks.
Here's what In Touch Magazine is reporting:
The American Idol winner was recently spotted having dinner with rising R&B star Steph Jones, 24, after his performance at NYC's Spotlight Live. But, "they've been tight for a while," an insider tells In Touch. "They hung out after she sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, and throughout Grammy week. They do the red carpet separately at events and then meet up together inside."
Make-Up Democratic Primary Unlikely in Michigan
Considering that i'm from Michigam, and this is my first year eligible to vote... I am not happy to say a make-up Democratic Party presidential primary is now less likely to happen in Michigan, after state legislatures adjourned Thursday's session without taking up the issue.
The legislature is not due to meet again for another two weeks, greatly reducing the chances that the state could organize a primary election by a June 3 deadline.
The National Democratic Party stripped Michigan of its right to send delegates to the party's nominating convention after the state violated party rules by holding its primary elections early.
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has been calling for a re-vote in the state. She currently trails her rival, Senator Barack Obama, by about 150 delegates needed to win the nomination.
Clinton says it would be unfair if Obama won the nomination without counting the votes in Michigan and Florida, another state that was stripped of its delegates for violating party rules.
The next major Democratic primary is in Pennsylvania April 22, with 158 delegates at stake.
It is unlikely that either candidate will receive enough total delegates to clinch the nomination as John McCain did for the Republican Party. That means the decision could come down to the party's nominating convention, when party officials, known as "super-delegates," are free to vote as they choose.
Analysts say it is likely super-delegates will consider which candidate has more pledged delegates and a higher percentage of the popular vote when making their decision.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Hot GHETTO Mes!!!- Detroit Mayor Drops N Bomb at State of The Union
Ok so yall know The KING is from the metro Detroit area (Ann Arbor to be exact) so yall know I had to blog about this HOT GHETTO MESS!!... So are good ole' Mayor Kwame Droped th N word 7 times at the state of the union, why is this such a big deal you ask??? well Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick stood before hundreds of people last summer and triumphantly proclaimed: "Die N-word, and we don't want to see you 'round here no more."
But the epithet that he and other black leaders symbolically buried in downtown Detroit during a national NAACP convention was resurrected by the embattled mayor Tuesday night during his annual State of the City address, carried live on local television and radio stations.
Facing possible perjury charges from testimony during a whistle-blowers' trial and criticism over sexually explicit text messages he sent to his former top aide, a defiant Kilpatrick lashed out at the media and opponents. The black mayor says he and his family have been subjected to racial slurs, as well as threats over the past month.
"In the past three days, I've received more death threats than I have in my entire administration," Kilpatrick said near the end of his 65-minute address. "I've heard these words before, but I've never heard them said about my wife and children."
Some local civil rights leaders criticized Kilpatrick and say he chose the wrong forum and wrong language for his outburst.
"It most especially was not a place to use the same word that, supposedly, we buried last summer," said the Rev. Edgar Vann, pastor of Second Ebenezer Baptist Church in Detroit. "You can make references to it without using it."
The N-word has been used as a slur against blacks for more than a century. It remains a symbol of racism, but also is used by blacks when referring to other blacks, especially in comedy routines and rap and hip-hop music.
Public discussion on the word and other racially insensitive remarks intensified after last year's remarks by white talk show host Don Imus, who described black members of the Rutgers University women's basketball team as "nappy-headed hos."
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and other national black leaders all have called for the use of the word to end. The Baltimore-based National Association for the Advancement of Colored People held the public burial last July during the civil rights organization's annual convention in Detroit.
The ceremony included a slow processional with a pine box through downtown Detroit. The casket was buried at a local cemetery.
"Today we're not just burying the N-word, we're taking it out of our spirit," Kilpatrick said at the time.
National and local NAACP leaders did not condone Kilpatrick's use of the word Tuesday, but added that the context in which it was used should be considered.
"He was trying to make a point. He wasn't using it in the typical vernacular," national NAACP spokesman Richard J. McIntire said.
However, "it was never a word to be used for anything positive," he said.
The Rev. Wendell Anthony, Detroit NAACP president, attended the address and warned that Kilpatrick's message for the city's future should not be lost because of one word.
"It was a very good speech," Anthony said. "The final minutes obviously went toward his personal situation and it dealt with an area of his life that has come under a lot of pressure.
"In fairness to what was stated, we would have been more upset if he called someone that word. He describes a situation in which he was called the word. We don't condone the use and there should be no ambiguity around that."
But Kilpatrick's remarks only add to the racial polarization that has divided a mostly black Detroit and its primarily white suburbs over the past 40 years.
"I think people are tired of race being used as a tactic, especially when it becomes public like this," Vann said.
Eleanor Josaitis, co-founder of Focus:HOPE, worries Kilpatrick's use of the word will hurt race relations _ something her nonprofit organization has been working to improve since the 1967 Detroit riot.
"We've all worked very hard to bury the N-word," she said. "People are disappointed _ just disappointed in everything right now. Everybody is just praying we bring it to an end."
On Wednesday, Kilpatrick spokesman James Canning explained that the mayor used the N-word in his speech as an example of how hurtful the epithet can be for any community.
"He was explaining to the citizens of Detroit the situation he and his family have been put in by some very vile individuals who have decided they will thrust upon he and his family some very threatening forms of communications," Canning said.
Kilpatrick has been under fire since excerpts of the sexually explicit text messages from 2002 and 2003 were reported in January by the Detroit Free Press.
The Detroit City Council will consider a resolution next week that calls for the mayor to resign. Recently released documents show there was a confidential agreement linking the text messages to the $8.4 million settlement of the whistle-blowers' lawsuit brought by two former police officers. The council approved the payout, but did not know about the secret deal.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said Wednesday she expects to make a decision the week of March 24 on whether she will charge Kilpatrick and former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty with perjury after the two testified during that trial that they didn't have a romantic relationship. Excerpts of the text messages released by the Free Press contradict their testimony.
Check Out the video of Kwamae Droping the N Word on LIVE TV!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Hot GHETO Mess- DRU HILL REUNITES .... THEN BREAKS UP 10 MINUTES LATER ... THEN START FIGHTING EACH OTHER!!! Got word of popular 90s R&B group Dru Hill Reuniting, than breaking up, all this within 10 minutes.
This video is deffently a HOT GHETTO MESS!!!!!!
Check it Out!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Obama Wins Wyoming!
Obama led rival Sen. Hillary Clinton at 59 percent to 40 percent, with 96 percent of precincts reporting.
The caucus thrust the state, which has only 12 delegates, into the spotlight because the close race between Obama and Clinton means that every delegate counts.
Although Wyoming typically is not a stop for Democrats looking for delegates to clinch the party's presidential nomination, its numbers could make a difference this year because of the delegate deadlock.
With slightly more than 600 delegates left at stake, every remaining contest is crucial to both candidates. The two are separated by fewer than 100 delegates, with Obama leading Clinton 1,527 to 1,428.
"We are thrilled with this near split in delegates and are grateful to the people of Wyoming for their support," Clinton's campaign manager, Maggie Williams, said in a statement.
"Although the Obama campaign predicted victory in Wyoming weeks ago, we worked hard to present Sen. Clinton's vision to the caucus-goers, and we thank them for turning out today."
On Friday, both senators were in Wyoming to lure last-minute votes. Clinton held town hall meetings in Cheyenne and Casper, and also dispatched former President Clinton to help drum up support.
Obama spoke at a town hall meeting in Casper, using the opportunity to criticize Clinton's 2002 vote on the war in Iraq.
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009, so don't be confused ... when Senator Clinton is not willing to acknowledge that she voted for war," he said. "I don't want to play politics on this issue, because she doesn't have standing to question my position on this issue."
The state's Democratic governor, Dave Freudenthal, said he has endorsed neither candidate because, in his view, they have mostly neglected "Western issues" like the environment, water and energy. However, he said he was lobbied hard by both campaigns in the weeks leading up to the caucus.
Former Gov. Mike Sullivan backed Clinton some time ago. State Democratic Party chief John Millin has endorsed Obama.
"Seriously, I never imagined when I took this job that we would see the day when the two front-runners for the Democratic presidential nomination would hold events in Wyoming on the eve of our county caucuses," state Democratic Party spokesman Bill Luckett wrote on the state party's Web site this week.
"I think there's a reasonable chance we'll get our 15 minutes in the national spotlight when the deal goes down on Saturday."
Obama's Grandma Rips Campaign Tactics
Barack Obama's Kenyan grandmother is upset by what she sees as dirty campaign tricks, including the distribution of a photo showing her grandson in a turban and robe. "Bringing such pictures that are trying to imply that not only is he a foreigner, he is a Muslim, is wrong, because that is not what he is," Sarah Hussein Obama, 86, said Wednesday.
A frown replaces the dimpled beam of Sarah Hussein Obama, grandmother of Barack Obama, when asked on Wednesday about recent attacks on her grandson that include the spreading of rumors that he is secretly a Muslim and the repeated use of his middle name -- Hussein -- by a radio host at a rally for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain."Untruths are told that don't have anything to do with what Barack is about," she said in the local Luo language, her gray hair smoothed neatly under a headwrap. "I am very against it."Hillary Rodham Clinton won primaries Tuesday in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island, halting Obama's winning streak. Obama won in Vermont.Each twist and turn of the race is closely scrutinized, said Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama. The family gathered in his grandmother's house on Tuesday night to watch the results come in on a television donated by a family friend, she said - the grandmother's own simple house does not have one of its own."Barack's done extremely well and we're very proud of him," Auma Obama said when asked for a reaction to the losses on Tuesday. "This is like a football match. The game continues."In recent weeks, two Clinton volunteers in Iowa resigned after forwarding false e-mails falsely saying he was a Muslim and a threat to national security. Matt Drudge, said his Web site, The Drudge Report, that he was e-mailed a picture of Obama in a turban and robe by the Clinton campaign.
Kelly Rowland Get's Breast Implants???
Kelly Rowlwand former member of Destiny's Child has admitted to having implants.
This is what Ms.Kelly had to say...
"I simply went from an A-cup to a B-cup. I didn't want double Ds and be a little bitty size 2. That would look nuts... this one really hot House of Dereon top -- I just wanted to fill that out! I put it on and I looked SO good!I'm so happy. I feel complete."
Look Kelly take some advice from THE KING, it's not your looks that need an "UPGRADE" it's your career! GOD EVEN LETOYA (THE MEMBER WHO WAS KICKED OUT OF DESTINYS CHILD) GOT A NUMBER 1 ALBUM. Why don't you do a song with ya gurl bee, but do me a favor please let her sing the whole song, you can sing the harmonies! LMAFO!!!!
Take a look and tell us how you think she looks
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Why "Barack Obama" has "Derrick" in his corner...WOW!
This young man (Derrick) is absolutely incredible. Please listen to both of these videos (first one first). I think the interviewer in the first link thought he was going to get a different kind of response from this young man. Was he ever surprised.
Video: Interviewer Picks The Wrong Obama Supporter to Try To Railroad « Think On These Things
Video: Obama Supporter, Derrick, Responds to the Video and Explains Emotional View « Think On These Things
Lip Service Radio
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thank You Destiney of "Rock of Love 2" For a HOT INTERVIEW! Would like to thank Destiney for giving LSR one of are HOTTEST! Interviews!!!!! if you have not checked it out yet go to and check it out!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
"OBAMA, YES WE CAN!" Remember to take a stand this year and VOTE!!
Lip Service Radio
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hot GHETTO Mess!!!!- MJ kids without there MASKS!!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hot GHETTO Mess!!!!- Lil' Kim Goes Asian?????
For the love of Bai Ling, somebody call Dr. Jan Adams! Lil' Kim's face is a completely different race than the rest of her body. Paging the Joy Luck Club!
Lil' Kimchee almost got people to forget about her Rainbow Brite ensemblemess of an outfit -- by debuting her new Kabuki face. She's gone too far this time -- Far East! Sayonara!
If you have forgot what Lil' Kim originally looked like here is a pic of her before the boob job, before she bleached her skin, and before all this shit she did to her face.
A lot has taken place since the team decided to go our separate ways. On Wednesday, January, 16th after our show segment titled "Love, Romance & Marriage in Interracial Relationships" on “Lip Service Radio” it was agreed by all parties involved that PB should be dismissed from the team due to disrespecting a caller that just so happen to be another BTR host of another show (Am I My Brother Keeper). He was kind enough to call into our show providing his support, personal experience and educated opinion on the topic and did not deserve to be disrespected and so rudely treated.
Prior to PB being dismissed he found humor in sharing with the team during a conference call that he had set up a fake MySpace page under “Krazy Daisy’s” name in which he himself had sent numerous of derogatory messages to me in the hopes to create friction between us wanting to turn J’ Hustle and I against Krazy Daisy out of spite towards Krazy Daisy because she had kicked him off her show. This information all made sense to me being that I had received several messages from Krazy Daisy in the past and a few of those messages were sent from a new page in the form of an add requests that was under her name as well. I did not approve that page and instead denied and blocked it. With PB planting seeds as he does best, all of the missing pieces of the puzzle suddenly fell into place; so many times PB made the attempt to get me to maliciously respond to the things Krazy Daisy had “supposedly” said about me on her show. I honestly didn’t care enough to go to her BTR page to see if the things being conveyed to me by PB were true so I could only go by hearsay and I’m not one to react on that alone. It was all so obsolete and childish to me.
I should add that J’ Hustle verbally attacked PB after our segment that evening. Needless to say, PB didn’t take that lightly. It should also be noted that when J’ Hustle realized PB had apologized over the air for his actions towards (Am I My Brother Keeper) J’ Hustle too apologized to PB for over reacting. Unfortunately, PB wasn’t willing to accept his apology and allowed his ego to get in the way of the decisions he would begin to make. Since his dismissal the team has received many disturbing and threatening telephone calls individually from PB & his 19 year old girlfriend Amanda AKA: Papergirl. We have all been talked about time after time on "OUTOFSERVICE" in the attempt of discredit our characters. Predictably PB ran back to the host of “OUTOFSERVICE” yes, PB ran back to the host in desperate need to be a part of something and yes the host welcomed him back with open arms because of not having any original ideas of her own and in desperate need of new show "material". In the hopes to use his bitterness & dislike towards being dropped from the team as "topics" she had him speak as a "special guest" along with his protĂ©gĂ©’ “Papergirl”. To think I actually gave this girl the benefit of the doubt in having her own mind. I was proven wrong and stand corrected as of to date.
I have even been falsely accused of trying to turn Amanda against her mentor PB via I find this accusation to be ironic due to the fact that it was Amanda that actually contacted me via telephone @3:30am the morning after PB had acted a fool during the show on Jan 16th. She and King Mac called me to inform me that PB had contacted both of them giving them an ultimatum. They were either to turn against me & J’ Hustle or he would cut the two of them off completely having nothing to do with them. Amanda repeatedly told me that I needed to cut him from the team because he was negative energy and that he had planned to do us all dirty. She expressed wanting to be part of the team and shared her confusion as to why he had acted the way he did during the show. She described him as being “crazy” but admitted to being in love with him, she was very upset with PB not taking any of her calls because she had told him that she didn’t want to turn against us. Apparently he had told her not to call him back until she made a decision in his favor prior to hanging hung up on her. In all fairness and wanting to give PB the benefit of the doubt I had told both Amanda & King Mac that I didn’t want us to make impulsive decisions under the circumstances because I felt PB was intoxicated the previous night when acting up and I believed that the substance had gotten the best of him. I also stated that I was not feeling well and exhausted by all the drama and wanted to give PB the opportunity to retract the things that he said being under the influence and wouldn’t make any decisions until we all talked on better terms. Later that day PB was in the chat box publicly disrespecting not only me but the whole team by making threats & calling us out of our names. I did not take a liking to his behavior because not only had I shown him nothing but respect up until the last moment that I spoke to him but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in fixing what had took place only for him to turn around and disrespect me. I was done with PB at that point. The decision was made by all of us as a team that he was cut from Lip Service Radio. We did not want to take the chance of him disrespecting our callers again giving Lip Service Radio a bad name. He was not to be trusted. It didn’t take long for Amanda to follow after him and not only was I not surprised but I supported her in her decision by sending her an email letting her know that I fully understood and wished her the best. Since then, I have received several tasteless voice messages from PB & Amanda. Again, I was not surprised however I was highly disappointed only because I had hopes in her standing strong behind the words that she freely expressed to me and King Mac during the call that she and King Mac made to me early am the morning of Jan 17th. A lot was said that early morning out of Amanda’s mouth and in the end she ate her words. It goes back to young girls & women not knowing their worth, how disappointing.
My social skills and ladylike ways have been highly mistaken as a weakness. The cordial mannerism I choose to keep is a trait I proudly carry as a woman. I’ve been accused of being “scared” and “afraid” of certain individuals only because I have chosen not to respond to the insults that have been thrown at me via telephone messages, chat & live on other BTR shows by PB, Amanda and other hosts of BTR . Make no mistake, I fear no man or woman we all breathe the same air. I’m a grown woman, not a child in fear of being put on time out. After all, how hard is it to make threats via blogtalkradio, telephone and chat especially being thousands of miles apart? We all know it’s been proven time after time that those who bark loud have no bite; it’s the quiet ones that have more bite in the end taking any situation as an example. Making threats over the telephone is not the definition of bravery in my book.
I refuse to accept any of PB & Amanda calls; I have more important things to do oppose to sitting on the phone exchanging insults & threats. My time is too valuable and I have more productive things to do with my time. Not to mention it was PB and J’ Hustle that exchanged distasteful words at the end, me and PB did not have words. He has J’ Hustle’s phone number yet he continues to dial my number instead leaving messages for J’ Hustle. It’s easier for him to avoid contacting J’ Hustle directly making the attempt to use me as the middle man. I will not relay any messages and refuse to be used as the middle man. I’ve never dealt with individuals having such an elementary & low class of mentality. This is all new to me however; without further ado this shall pass. A woman of real beauty smiles in trouble and gathers strength from distress.
Let it be noted: Regardless of all the name calling, threats and distasteful comments made towards me I kept my “Short Story” real. I made no changes after it was written long before PB being dropped from Lip Service Radio. I kept it real giving credit where credit is due. One has nothing to do with the other and that’s keeping it “REAL”.
It is done
Lip Service Radio
The Official Woman In Power Documentary Promo
This documentary is about ambition, dedication, determination, and the historical event that took place on September 12, 2007 where four African American women now hold the top political offices in the city of Baltimore.
Executive Producer: LaVern Whitt
Co-Executive Producer: Kevin Liles
Director/Editor: Freeman White III
Camera Operator: Ken Rucker
Producer/Voice Over: Penny Johnson Jerald
Public Relations: C E Pugh and Company
Lip Service Radio
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
16 Bars: Get Ya' Bars Up
Lip Service Radio is given you the opportunity to snatch our intro song off the air AND WE MEAN THAT!. This Tuesday, bring your best 16 bars and test them against already registered California rappers, Texas rappers and Oklahoma rappers.
Date / Time: 2/5/2008 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (347) 205-9787
Everyone will be judged and the winner will be given the opportunity to record our new intro song which will air every Tuesday and Wednesday.
To be considered you must go to and leave us a comment with your "NAME" & the "LOCATION" you're reppin.
Lip Service Radio
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 10 Part 2 of 2)
Chapter 10
(Part Two)
On Wednesday, January 9, 2008 we all discovered that the team was short one member. Sukari and I once again came through for the host, holding it down for her during the segment titled “Women & Fertility”. Although the host held a sarcastic tone towards each member of the team and sometimes even calling a few team members names in the chat room Sukari and I both held our head high throughout the segment. As unbelievable as it may sound, the host threw cheap shots at each one of us starting with PB. On this particular night, the host seemed to be more interested in repeating derogatory comments being posted about PB in the chat box. It was evident that she was seeking to stir up drama rather than participating in the topic itself. I guess it was all for the ratings.
During the segment King Mac and I were exchanging text messages. We both were taken back by how the host was acting towards us. The host verbally attacked Sukari by making a very disrespectful & foul comment towards her as we discussed abortion. To no surprise, Sukari finished the segment without returning the insult, now that’s class.
Attempting to break the ice, toward the closing of the show I took the opportunity to change gears and reduce some of the friction in the air by announcing the verdict on whether or not King Mac, PB, Sukari & Amanda were going to be our official hosts for “Knockout Tuesday”. The host immediately pushed back by saying that the “Jury” had not come to a verdict and that King Mac & PB were still on “time out”. Apparently, she had other plans. It was evident that she was pulling “Rank” and we were all subject to her authority. Over the air, she wanted it to be known that she called all the shots. At the last minute, the host backed out of the agreemement without discussing her decision with the team prior to going live.
If you've been kind enough to follow my truth from chapter 1 you will agree that the host had every opportunity available to express her honest opinion in the matter plenty of times prior to the segment that night. However, she chose not to be forthcoming but rather submissively went along with the plans deceiving us all. At any rate, we ended the segment on a friendly note and we all agreed to jump on our regularly scheduled conference call after the show. Let truth be told, I discovered DURING THE SHOW that the host had changed her BTR password. At that very moment all of my speculations about her intentions were immediately confirmed. Her intent to renege on our agreement had been exposed and I had to take that unfortunate news to the conference call. I had been chosen to break the news to the rest of the team without any time to rehearse.
As each team member beeped into the conference call I shook my head with dissapointment. Although I greeted each member I remained quiet waiting for the host to join in on the call. After about 10 minutes she finally joined the call and the team instantly began taking turns expressing their disappointment; the show left a sour taste in all of our mouths to say the least and none of us were pleased with how we were treated during the show. In all fairness I asked that the host not be attacked all at once and recommended that we all took turns speaking our minds. J’ Hustle begin by letting it be known that he did not appreciate her calling him names and instead of the host being big enough to apologize she actually made the attempt to justify the name calling. King Mac was next, again she threw insults which caused everyone to speak at once. I spoke up and asked that everyone calm down; I candidly asked the host why she wasted our time in leading us on when she could have easily been honest from the get go. She played Ms. Simpleton by saying she never agreed to give the crew a night to host. In shock we all gasp and fell into laughter. We were all flabbergasted after hearing her deny her approval on the subject. Looking back now, we should have all agreed to dissagree as I noticed a pattern in the way the host was responding to everyne's questions. Refusing to give a straight and forward answer she tip toed around the questions provoking each team member by throwing insults towards certain individuals. It became clear that the issue would not resolve and the host was looking for a way out but didn't have the experience to pull it off in the tight situation.
To no surprise, PB spoke up by telling the host that he felt it was real shady of her to lead us all on etc., Amanda not wanting to rationalize or reason with the host verbally tore into her using her mouth as a weapon; her words being as sharp as a razor! To our surprise the host actually got sarcastic with Amanda AKA: “Papergirl” and toyed with her by antagonizing her even more so causing Amanda to attack even harder! I made countless efforts to hold my composure throughout the conference call as the chaos esculated. My ears were ringing and we were getting nowhere fast. Although I was well aware of her intentions I still expected the call to be civil but instead, hopes of remaining a team slowly declined. In the end, it would be the insult directed towards J’ Hustle that would seal the teams fate. Needless to say, I had heard enough and I was threw with playing games with the host. I said my final piece to the host and I disconnected the conference by hanging up!
King Mac immediately sent me a text message saying “Wow that was crazy!” I responded by saying “Yep”. He sent another text message saying that he and the team wanted to call back into the conference number asking that we all speak. I agreed to have the conference. Honestly at this point I was exhausted and very disappointed in the direction that the call went because I was hoping to resolve the issue and not end it on bad terms. If all of us going our seperate ways was going to be the end result I wanted to do so on good terms. We all jumped back on a conference call allowing each member the opportunity to vent in expressing their bitter opinions on what just took place. While being upset in the heat of the moment J' Hustle decided that he was going to share a pic of the host by sending it to King Mac & PB via MySpace message since they both asked the two of us out of curiosity what she looked like many times in the past. After all she maliciously disrespected him by calling him names and posted derogatory comments about him in the chat box. Amanda feeling left out also requested the pic be sent to her as well. I must be honest in saying that I was not at first in favor or agreement with his choice of sharing the pic with others, however J' Hustle is an adult and responsible for his own decisions. Where the pic emerged after that point on was out of his hands and was no longer in his control. PB and I stayed quiet at the beginning of the call in disbelief; I think the two of us were the most disappointed in the host. The others didn’t seem to be surprised in her behavior; however the two of us were in shock to say the least. I started the conference off by apologizing to the team and shared with them that I wanted to take a break from BTR for a short period of time because I had been putting my other projects aside not prioritizing my business appropriately which was somewhat effecting my productivity. King Mac immediately spoke up asking that I not take time off and expressed wanting to move forward as planned. At that moment PB seemed to have woken out of a deep sleep and started bad mouthing the host calling her every name in the book; as we all know PB is very verbal when referencing others and the host was no exception. He agreed with King Mac and asked that we move forward as well without the host of “OUTOFSERVICE”. Sukari and Amanda also shared the same interest in moving forward with our original plans. We all agreed that we would keep our original ideas and move forward with the birth of “Lip Service Radio”. I told the team that I would move forward under the terms and conditions that we would all stand strong as a team keeping an open line of communication and respect towards one another and told King Mac & PB that they couldn’t be falling out one day and not wanting to work together the next. If we were going to move forward with “Lip Service Radio” via blogtalkradio I wanted it to be taken seriously and we all needed to agree that we would not disrespect our callers and not talk over each other during segments. We all agreed to meet the terms and conditions ensuring that Lip Service Radio kept protocol & structure. The team at our high of excitement stayed on the conference until 7am PST/10am EST the following morning. Yes, the following morning! We all joked about it the next day that we all spent the night together. We laughed, we vented, J'Hustle fell asleep and woke up, we all bonded. I wish you could have been there to feel what I felt.
After getting some rest that morning on Thursday, January 10, 2008 it was decided later that afternoon to have our first show as “Lip Service Radio” segment titled “Sleeping with the Enemy” going live @ Midnight EST/9pm PST giving us the opportunity to briefly discuss what had taken place between “OUTOFSERVICE” & “Lip Service Radio”. The team agreed that we would not go into too much detail on the air and instead have our experience be told in a “Short Story” form allowing listeners to read the details at their leisure. King Mac and I quickly set up our BTR page and prepared for our fist segment. The rest is history.
The moment I disconnected the conference call was the same moment I cut the host off completely. Once I hung up I immediately deleted her as a "friend" on MySpace and moved full speed ahead. A lesson learned indeed!
Lip Service Radio
Friday, February 1, 2008
So there's no confusion about the validity of this email I have taken a screenshot.
Lip Service Radio
STOP DAWG, United Deli is hiring. Get a job.
Diary of a Dominatrix

Lip Service Radio would like to thank India Sole for stopping by and sharing her knowledge. For those of you who missed it go to
Lip Service Radio got up close & personal with Ms. India Sole as she shared some of her most intimate moments (both pleasure & pain) while being with her clients, some being well known in the entertainment industry.
Lip Service Radio
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 10 Part 1 of 2)
As I promised, Chapter 10 will be the last chapter. I have seperated chapter 10 into two parts for your convenience.
Allow me to express that this trial, in its entirety, has been the most emotionally draining experience I’ve ever been through. Yes, it all is very unfortunate. However, I have once again been reminded how critical it is to surround yourself with people "at your ambition level and above." While we may have the best intentions, I don't think it always comes across that way. It can very easily come across as arrogant, wanting to be in control when in reality, you're only trying to mentor and bring light to the minds of those who may be living in darkness. Oprah Winfrey said it best, "If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."
Good luck to those of you who find it difficult to think beyond a 5 mile radius. Let's begin.
(Part One)
It was on Tuesday January 8, 2008 when we all staged a “Take Over” of “OUTOFSERVICE”. After the show the team (including the host) jumped on a conference call. We were all very pleased with how the show went and once again discussed the details of how we would announce the new addition “Knockout Tuesday” and our new “Theme Song” for the following night scheduled. The host seemed to be somewhat disinterested in being on the call when she asked repulsively, “what is the purpose of having these conference calls, we should just save everything for the show?”. It was explained to her that the purpose of the conference calls is to openly communicate and discuss matters needed to be discussed off air in able to stay on the same page as a team. The team was pretty excited about the up & coming show, but the host seemed to lack excitement and got off the call sooner than the rest of the team.
Before we ended the conference call we all agreed to touch bases via conference call the following day before the show was scheduled to air. On Wednesday January 9, 2008 I sent a message via MySpace to the host at 12:22pm asking if she wanted to jump on a conference call prior to our scheduled show and once again stressed the issue that “IF” Knockout Tuesday was something that she had concerns about then it should be openly discussed in the conference call before going live. When checking my messages at 2pm I noticed that she read my message. Expecting her to reply shortly after noticing that she had read the message I anxiously waited to receive her response in the hopes that we could agree on an appropriate time to schedule the conference in plenty of time before we were scheduled to go live. The other members of the team touched bases with me numerous of times throughout the day to ask what time the conference would take place. Not being able to give them a time for the simple reason that I had not heard back from the host I explained the situation. Please bare with me. Nevertheless, we all decided to jump on the conference call at approximately 7:45pm PST despite not hearing back from the host. A few members freely voiced their opinions about the host acting a little "funny" about the whole ordeal. We all concluded that perhaps she wasn’t too excited about being a team. Afterall, we were 45 minutes away from going live with no topic and no host. Getting extremely nervous we decided to jump online and check her BTR page to see if she had posted a segment. To our surprise she had a topic “Women & Fertility” listed. Please take note that the previous week Sukari and I went into discussing the subject on fertility after King Mac had mentioned sperm not being able to live beyond x amount of days. Funny right? The host briefly asked both Sukari and I to discuss the topic in the near future as a segment however a set date was never agreed upon. At any rate, we jumped online and did our research on the spot so that the two of us could speak more intellegently on the subject.
Although my other efforts failed I made yet another attempt to call the host. At this point we were 30-minutes from going live. I checked my messages on Myspace in the hopes to have received a reply from the host; to my surprise she had sent something @8:21pm and I quote “Hey Titi, What time is the conference?” I was taken a back with the fact that it took her 6 1/2 hours to respond. I immediately picked up the phone to contact her. With the team on my land line I used my cell phone to call the host. When she answered, I asked her to call into the conference number and she promised to do so immediately. After waiting 10-minutes now 20 minutes before we are scheduled to go live we all were still waiting. The team urged me to call her again. This time, she picked up the line very irritated and in fact said that I “woke her up”. Confused, I asked how she could be asleep when not only did I just receive a message from her via MySpace, but I had just spoken to her 10 minutes prior. With what appeared to be a little sarcasm she proceeded to tell me that she had a full time job and that she needed to rest. It was evident that she had no intentions on participating in the conference call so I let it be. Afterall, we were ruffly 15 minutes from going live. The team stayed on the conference call in disbelief. We were all a little confused to say the least. The confusion we all seemed to have in common slowly became clarity in what turned out to be our last show as a 7 member team.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 9)
Chapter 9
I contacted the host a couple of days after the initial conference call that took place with both King Mac & PB to give her heads up on the idea and to inquire how she felt about it. To no surprise, her and Paperboy had already spoke briefly about the idea during one of their personal conversations. The two of them spoke frequently offline. Sadly enough, I could never get her to contact me to discuss plans for future segments, guest speakers, etc. At any rate, I asked her to share her thoughts and also asked that she be completely honest with me when stating how she felt about giving both King Mac & PB their own night along with Sukari & Amanda (Papergirl). It was expressed that if she wasn’t cool with the idea then we could leave the show as is however a format was desperatley needed. The show was becoming very mundane.
It's no secret that King Mac, PB, Amanda & Sukari made a huge contribution to the show therefore giving all of them their own night would only compliment "OutofService". Together, King Mac, PB, Amanda and Sukari are BTR's untouchables. After covering the details about what was soon to become “Knockout Tuesday” she immediately expressed being “ok” with the idea however, made it very clear to me that she didn’t trust King Mac & PB with the password to manage the switchboard. I suggested that one of us control the switchboard for them afterall, we were a team and we would still be on the show along with them; they were only to host & produce their own topics but it was ultimately a team effort. Contrary to popular belief, it was equally agreed that Tuesday nights would be granted to the other team members.
From that point on there were several conference calls made to plan, brainstorm and discuss future segments and potential guest. For whatever reason, the host failed to attend most of these conference calls. It should be noted that other than the initial conference call, none of the calls moving forward from this point on took place late afternoon but rather late nights. At any rate, she had clearly agreed to give King Mac & PB a night being Tuesdays nights.
During one of our conference calls in preparation of how we would announce “Knockout Tuesday” and the new “official” team members PB suggested that we stage a “TAKE OVER”. Being that he & the host successfully took over “The King Mac Show” he wanted to duplicate the act. We all discussed it and agreed, however I recommended that it be a friendly take over and out of respect giving credit where credit was due we would announce granting them “Knockout Tuesday”. The host was very much in agreement with the idea of King Mac & PB staging taking over her show. We all discussed the details and agreed that we would go through with the friendly takeover show scheduled on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 then the following show on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 we would make the announcement that King Mac & PB was in fact granted their own “Knockout Tuesday” night effective immediately Tuesday January 15, 2008.
Yes, not only was the host an accomplice with PB in the “TAKE OVER” of “The King Mac Show” but she was very much involved in the take over of her very own show as well!
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 8)
As promised, below are the messages that were exchanged between myself and "Outofservice". Scroll down to the bottom and read up.
And remember, "The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide"
Chapter 8
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 27, 2007 1:20 PM
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 27, 2007 12:45 PM
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 27, 2007 12:20 PM
that is not the point a** many times have you allowed the drama to go on & on. it's not about losing interest in a topic or something that someone said, it's about setting the stage for the show longevity wise. i mean honestly what audience are you shooting for? no one over the age of 30 is going to want to listen to ***SERVICE or call in if it's known for having screaming matches only the very young & immature crowd will be interested. if that's what you're shooting for than i understand but my vision is a lot BIGGER and more prosperous as far as future ratings. i've been in the entertainment industry for sometime now and i fully understand how drama brings an audience however it's not the type of audience or element that i choose to associate with or be linked to. i'm too grown for all that and life is too short.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 27, 2007 12:12 PM
WOW, imagine if I was ready to bail out every time I lost interest in a topic, or something that someone said.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 27, 2007 12:06 PM
i fully understand "ratings" however, how many times do we need to listen to mac, paperboy and everyone else carry on about the same ole crap going back & forth? all the shows sound alike. i'm sure there are folks out there that love the drama but i'm simply bored with it and choose not to be a part of it. ***SERVICE should live up to it's name by aiming strictly for being known as the grown & sexy show. catering to the drama that is on all the other shows is not standing out from the rest and makes us no different. i'm sure that's why gary doesn't even call in anymore because it's child-splay...i have no doubt his time is more
i'm not knocking your choice of feeding into the drama, if that's what rocks your boat then more power to you, however i'm not turned on by it so if the shows going to be about drama then it's probably best for me to bow out gracefully. honestly by allowing callers to disrespect & carry on about nonsense it sounds as if we have no control over ***SERVICE.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 27, 2007 11:57 AM
It may seem negative but trust me, it brings up the ratings.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 27, 2007 11:28 AM
don't bother sending me the archive of the "overthrow" i'm not interested. not to sound rude but i'm not about the's all negative.
i don't have a topic in mind to speak on tonight...being that we're ending "07" and going into "08" maybe we can discuss goals for the new year something along that subject.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 27, 2007 11:11 AM
Last night was the first night we all got together since the big overthrow, so we were still hyped....I'll send it to you so you can listen.
They wanna do a show tonight but I have no topic or guest...So if you have something in mind.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 27, 2007 10:14 AM
yea girl i had to bail...i honestly wasn't in the mood to sit there and listen to others swing their dick around you know, it's all so negative and pointless to me. malcom is 18 years "young" and the rest of us are in mid 20's & up, i find it very immature for us to even entertain the thought of going back & forth with's drama. when i hung up i went to take a shower then went to bed...j' didn't hit it from the back so i'm not sure why he bailed on y'all.
do we have a show tonight? if so hopefully the conversation is more interesting & intellectual than it was last night.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 27, 2007 9:26 AM
Hey TiTi
You bailed last night, guess J couldn't wait to hit it from the back!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TiTi ~ An Ordinary Woman w/Xtraordinary Dreams
Date: Dec 22, 2007 4:58 PM
i'm in frisco visiting friends until tomorrow & pleasure.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ***SERVICE
Date: Dec 22, 2007 2:12 PM
Hey TiTi
We're invited to call into the King Mac show tonight at 9. If you get a chance
Lip Service Radio
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 7)
Chapter 7
THE TAKE OVER OF “The King Mac Show”:
Allow me to take a few steps back. On December 22nd “The King Mac Show” was taken over by PB. Yes, it was in fact a legitimate “TAKE OVER” unbeknownst to King Mac. The "Take Over" upset King Mac and disturbed him immensely leaving him to question PB's loyalty. King Mac trusted PB with his BTR user name & password and PB abused his trust.
During one of our show segments on December 26th, (if you want to call it that) the host of the show & PB boasted about how PB took over “The King Mac Show” etc. As the host continued to boast in glory about PB's success I chose to digress. The influence PB had over her was becoming more evident. She thirsted for his blessings like a child seeking approval of their parents as they do something even they know is wrong. And when did PB become so computer savy? How does one become BTR literate overnight? Who assisted PB in his duplicity? I couldn’t help but wonder if the host was in cahoots with PB and acted as his accomplice.
Listening to the disappointment & frustration in King Mac’s voice, I honestly didn’t find the “Overthrow” (the word used) entertaining nor was I in agreement with how PB betrayed King Mac. Again, there was an unhealthy influence on the host and something catastrophic was brewing on the horizon. Needless to say, the discussion was not stimulating and I chose to end my call earlier than the rest of the team members that night.
Now let me take you back 4 days prior to December 26, 2007. On December 22nd I received a message via MySpace from the host informing me that we were invited to call into the “King Mac” show. TAKE NOTE: The host sent me the message at 12:12pm PT the day of the “Take Over”. I found this to be very odd. Why didn't King Mac send me a personal invite? King Mac has never been shy about asking me to call into his show in the past. He's the Motha F@#$% King! Mind you, the host had never asked me to call into “The King Mac” show in the past so to be honest with you something didn’t sit well with me about the whole request. I was actually out of town when receiving the message so I responded to the host’s message by telling her I was unable to call in due to being out of town on business & pleasure.
Fast forwarding back to December 27, 2008, the following day after the the two of them boasting about the take over I received a message from the host via MySpace referencing me “bailing out”. I responded by telling her that I wasn’t pleased with last nights discussion and once again candidly expressed to the host that I was not interested in the drama that she so frequently found amusing.
Long story short, I feel that this is the point in time when the host’s attitude slowly but surely started to change towards me.
**I have posted Chapter 8 including the messages exchanged between the host and myself for public review supporting this chapter (Chapter 7)**
Lip Service Radio
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 6)
Chapter 6
During an “Open Discussion” segment just after one of King Mac & PB's arguing episodes the host, J’ Hustle & I began expressing to King Mac and PB how important it was for the two of them to stay hosting “The King Mac & PB Show”. It's no secret to any of us that together they have great chemistry. As a side note, in an earlier conversation, PB had mentioned not wanting to work with King Mac because he was frustrated with him at the time. As cute as it may sound, they seem to have a love/hate relationship that works well for them. That night, the idea of the two of them having their own night to host under the “OutofService” umbrella was born. It is important for you to understand that the host gladly endorsed the idea and echoed how it could work out for the both of them. In no way was this a brief conversation. The host spoke freely on the matter and was equally excited. With that being said, I was under the impression that we all wanted the same thing and had the same vision.
Feeling the sinergy of what felt like a dream team in the making we decided to coordinate a conference call for the following day to discuss the details privately, off the air. With the holiday's upon us, getting a call coordinated to accommodate everyone’s schedule was a little difficult and the call was pushed back until the coming Saturday. King Mac, PB, J’ Hustle and myself attended the call, for whatever reason the host failed to join us. During the conference call we all shared ideas for the show. The idea of “Knockout Tuesdays” was conceived and added to our show line up to compliment our “Grown & Sexy Play”. To be honest with you I was getting tired of the drama and chaos on the shows and wanted to convert to a more organized and tactful format.
I frequently found the host feeding into the drama and I often wondered why she wouldn’t take control over the show. I sat behind the switchboard in disbelief. Why she wouldn't place those callers on mute that were being disrespectful and distracting the topic of discussion was beyond me. The truth of the matter is she enjoyed the drama and manipulated it many times herself.
We all agreed that having two nights a week of “open discussion” was over kill and senseless. There desperately needed to be some type of structure/protocol added to the show. It had been long past due since a guest had been booked to interview and I was slowly loosing interest. As a result of my disinterest, I cancelled all attempts to book new guest as I was highly embarrassed with how the chaos, immaturity and Jerry Springer like culture was allowed on the show. For accomodation I suggested “Knockout Tuesday” & “Grown & Sexy Wednesday” sticking with my original idea for Wednesday nights. Under this format we could satisfy two audiences. Those individuals looking for drama could tune in on Tuesday's and the audience seeking more of a grown & sexy content could tune in on Wednedays. Who better to host "Knock Out Tuesday" than King Mac & PB? The two of them love drama. They have both managed to establish a cult like following while us ladies have had tremendous success with our “Grown & Sexy Play”. Allow me to restate that the host was not in attendance during this conference call. The host was M.I.A.
Not that the host was our "boss" or had any type of "control" over us rather out of RESPECT both J’ Hustle and I expressed the need to talk to the host prior to moving forward with any of the ideas discussed because it was her show and we didn’t want to step on her toes. It was a matter of business ethics and still is. PB had suggested that I speak to the host one on one regarding the idea because he felt that she would be less than honest in giving her true opinion and/or wouldn’t want to speak freely with the team being on the call. Without needing to be said of course I had planned to speak to the host privately being her co-host.
Needless to say, we were all very excited to share the ideas with the host.
No YouTube Videos, No Queen Just One KING MAC
Well.... Maybe just a couple YouTube videos (lol I'm The Motha Fu** KING). Are you bored? Or maybe just craving some PURE entertainment! Well Here is King Mac to your rescue with some Hella Funney Videos!!!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 5)
Chapter 5
WILL THE REAL MC STAND UP? (Giving credit where credit is due)
It wasn’t long before King Mac & PB had recruited new callers to call into the show. The two of them are very good at spreading the word which was highly beneficial to the host’s show and helped increase the shows ratings. Their contribution was without a doubt a plus for “OutofService”.
On the night of Tuesday December 18th PB had both “Freaky Dona” & “Sukari” call in to spice up the show. I had informed the host of the show in advance that I would be calling in late due to having a client dinner to attend on that Tuesday night, but that I would indeed make it a point to leave the party early as possible to assure my attendance. Having committed to co-hosting I felt it was only right to make great effort to come through for the host. Doing my best, I was able to call in 20-minutes after the scheduled air time. I listened without saying anything for about 10 minutes and I must admit I was highly impressed with Sukari. That night it was PB who had carried the weight. I should also add that it was his idea to name the segment: “Confessions of a True Freak”. His guest was “Freaky Dona”. PB had her sharing her sexual experiences. It was Sukari’s first time calling into the show and she was doing such a fantastic job contributing to the show by directing some very intellectual questions to the guest (Freaky), questions that would help educate listeners on unprotected sex etc. As I listened, I thought to myself “wow, fortunately for the host Sukari & PB picked up her slack otherwise, listeners would have received dead air. The host was quiet as usual having very little to say. As a matter of fact, I don’t believe there would have been a show being that it was PB who arranged the segment. Sukari was carrying the show that night, she was mos def the MC. J’ Hustle called in about 5 minutes after I made myself known on the call and to say the least with J’ Hustle always playing the “Devils Advocate” causing a provocative debate the conversation got heated immediately! Long story short, it was a great show and we all as a team contributed to making it a success. To give credit where credit is due PB came through and stepped up to help out. From that night on Sukari was one of our regular callers bringing her mature elegance & life experience to the stage. I'm not one to believe in coincidences and I strongly feel we were all brought together for a reason.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4
When the ball was dropped by the host the team followed through.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, at the last minute, the host of the show sent me a message via MySpace to let me know that she might not be able to do the show that night due to her boyfriend visiting. At the time, I had asked that she please keep me posted letting me know ASAP because I had already started promoting the show via MySpace. After I had sent a holiday bulletin out to all of my “MySpace” friends titled “TiTi’s Cookin’ Greens Y’all” wishing them a great Thanksgiving....J’ Hustle quickly came up with a topic for the show that night based on Thanksgiving Dinner titled “What’s Cooking?”. We asked that people either call into the show or send a reply providing us with their favorite Thanksgiving dish. I got quite a few responses from that promo/bulletin and text messages from personal acquaintances in the entertainment industry wanting to share their dishes. I touched bases with the host of the show an hour and a half prior to the scheduled show time because I had not heard back from her. Time was ticking and the closer the time came to our regularly scheduled segment I became more stressed. It was then that she told me that she wouldn’t be able to host the show, but that she would "possibly" call in. Because she was not able to commit, I asked that she send me the info needed via MySpace for me to manage the switchboard. She agreed to send the information in a message via MySpace within minutes. Nervously waiting for the information, time continued to pass and the clock continued to tick. With only 30-minutes away from air time, I still had not received the switchboard information which forced me to send another bulletin out cancelling the show. Please keep in mind that I found this all to be very disturbing and unprofessional considering it was the “host’s” show. Unfortunate to those requesting that the show go on,(i.e King Mac & PB) the host did not seem to care. I was extrememly embarrassed.
At the request of our supporters, I immediately called the host to once again ask that she PLEASE provide the info needed to man the show. When she answered the phone I immediately heard the frustration in her voice as she placed the phone down while attempting to restart her computer and retrieve the information. Needless to say, she was not happy about me bothering her. I could also hear her boyfriend in the background questioning her about receiving calls at that time of night; It was obvious that he was not thrilled about me calling and he would have rathered her ignore my call. After having me wait for a strong 20 minutes (only 10-minutes now before the show was expected to air!) she came back to the phone only to tell me that her computer was giving her problems and reassured me that she would send the info via MySpace. I did not receive the information promptly, but rather late. Despite the hosts lack of commitment and the show airing 45-minutes late to my surprise, we had quite a few callers that evening. J’ Hustle was succesful in hosting the show that night while I prepared the best greens west of the Mississippi.
Our regular weekly callers King Mac & PB along with a couple other regulars (shout out to Lil Playa) were all excited that the show wasn’t cancelled. Throughout the show we shared holiday dishes but the show turned into a more serious topic touching Hip Hop history and got as deep as taking a moment of silence out for the two most influential Hip Hop Rappers of all times “TuPac” & “Notorious BIG”. Inspiring Rappers called into the show to give their input & feedback as well. Although it was rough pulling it off, in the end by picking up where the ball was dropped it was a great show!
Seeing the BIGGER picture and already having plans prior to agreeing to co-host on the show, J Hustle and I had discussed radio ideas many times before in the past being that “Sirus Radio” is on the rise. That particular show gave us an even bigger idea. The next day J’ Hustle and I thought of the idea of officially taking the show to the next level and came up with “”. We felt that King Mac & PB complimented the existing “team” and wanted to include them in on the opportunity so I sent the two of them a message via MySpace suggesting that we all talk to discuss the even bigger picture but not before I had a chance to share the idea with the host. The following day I had briefly mentioned to the host that I wanted to take the show to a new level. A level that would encompass a dedicated URL, sponsorships and other elements currently being negotiated. Not only did she seem to be very interested, but motivated as well and told me she was cool with it. After that conversation J’ Hustle and I immediately invested the monies needed to purchase the domain name and trademark Lip Service Radio for bigger & better things to come.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3
Allow me to share the experience of my second night on the air as this person’s co-host. I was able to book “Heather” from “Rock of Love” as a guest on the show; she was originally scheduled to call in on the previous day Oct 30th; however she happened to be a no-show due to a death in the family. Heather was courteous and nice enough to contact me on my cell phone during the show that night to inform me of the news and asked if she could call in the following day being Oct 31st. Although the host was hoping for “Yours” from “I love New York 2” to call in on the 31st...(I say “hoping” for the reason of not having an official commitment booked from the guest) I suggested that we allow Heather to call in as a backup plan just incase her expected guest decided not to join us. Fortunately for the show, Heather called in as agreed because “Yours” was indeed a no-show. Now, this is where it’s gets very interesting. Prior to the show starting the host and I were in the show chat box. She sent me an invite to chat “privately” and informed me of a few rivals being in the chat box describing “Krazy Daisy” as being a drama queen and someone whom enjoys starting trouble and that I should watch out for her. Once the show started and shortly after Heather called, a few minutes into her interview, we picked up a number on the switchboard belonging to a caller by the name of “Paperboy”. Paperboy wasn’t alone, he had another caller on his phone line via two-way by the name now known as “krazy Daisy”. (Her alias came about after receiving numerous of obsessive messages from this girl via Myspace) Paperboy also had an additional caller call in not long after receiving their call by the name of “King Mac”. However, TAKE NOTE: it was not revealed that night that Paperboy invited King Mac to call in. Paperboy & Krazy Daisy rudely interrupted the interview with Heather by disrespecting her, on the other hand in the midst of trying to get a word in between Paperboy & Krazy Daisy, King Mac was expressing to Heather how much he adored her but it was all too anarchic and before you knew it, Heather was chased off.
Because I had built a personal rapport with Heather offline I was highly embarrassed. The remaining time on air, approximately 60 minutes, was spent exchanging insults between Paperboy and “J Hustle”, another caller in which is from my camp. J’ Hustle was very heated not only because of the guest being disrespected and chased off but also because Paperboy felt the need to disrespect him as well. Not only did J’ Hustle get pulled into the drama, but Paperboy & King Mac were arguing back and forth with one another as well. To sum it up – it was a mess to say the least! The show that night was chaotic and senseless, not my cup of tea for a lack of better words. Surprisingly, by the end of the show we all had worked out our differences, (Game recognize Game) exchanging contact information and allowing them to plug their show in (The King Mac & Paperboy Show).
Towards the end when the dust settled, Paperboy mentioned being very confused. Paperboy did not understand why he was contacted by the host to call into the show for an interview considering that he wasn’t as popular as his partner in crime at the time “Krazy Daisy”. It was at that point that I realized the host of the show was being dishonest and had manipulated all of the drama. I was very unhappy with how things went that night and expressed not being pleased to the host during a brief conversation the two of us had after the show. I told her that I wasn’t about the drama and highly embarrassed about our guest being chased off. I expressed to her that I didn’t like the fact that she failed to give me “heads up” on contacting these people prior to the show and felt the communication between us (or lack thereof) needed much improvement. Again, “communication” is the primary key to having a successful relationship. She chose not to come clean about having anything to do with it and played dumb. I’ve grown to learn during the time of hosting with her that playing dumb is something she does very well. At any rate, I could no longer trust the host and against my better judgment gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided to keep my commitment to co-hosting the show. That night was not only the beginning of the end, but it was also the beginning of a new & improved show! Paperboy & King Mac called in the following week same time same place and from that point on were loyal callers. In a short period of time after having to check them a few times both Paperboy & King Mac learned when to act up and when not to; not only did they start showing respect for our show but our guest as well. The personality that we all brought to the table as individuals was the conception of a new & improved show. It was no longer the “host”, Gary, J’ Hustle and myself making the show we had new additions to the group and we grew as one as time went by.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Truth About "OutofService" & Lip Service Radio Revealed (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2
When I was initially contacted by this certain individual asking if I knew of anyone with a “bubbly personality who is well versed in pop culture” “Someone who sees the bigger picture” to co-host with her on her already existing show; I responded by telling her that I was the person she was looking for. (I had called into her show by invite a few times prior) When speaking to her after exchanging a couple of messages via MySpace she verbally expressed needing an “outgoing”, “creative” co-host having a “great attitude”.
After giving some thought of how I was going to fit another project into my already hectic schedule, I contacted the host and happily accepted the offer having great ideas in mind for the show! I had suggested that we only have the shows on two designated nights a week in able to create a buzz having a reliable schedule to promote for others to tune in. I stressed the importance in having consistent days each week due to her current unsystematic schedule not being organized for the callers & listeners to look forward to on a regular basis. We agreed on having the shows Tuesday & Wednesdays. I personally suggested Tuesday & Wednesday nights for the reason that Wednesday is also known as being “HUMP DAY” and thought we could name Tuesday nights either “Teasing Tuesdays or Tasty Tuesdays” which I felt would be a great start in changing the direction of the show to becoming known as “Grown & Sexy”. To be honest with you, I’m not quite sure what this individual was thinking of or what she had in mind when she created the name for her show, but the first thought that came to mind for me when hearing the name of the show was “oral sex”. I’m sure many of you listeners would agree LOL.
I vigorously stressed the importance of needing to live up to our name and now new image and encouraged my host to push the envelope as far as we could push it. The plan I had in mind was to interview special guest asking them personal sexual questions in a playful and stimulating mannerism making the show sexy friendly. I originally conceived the idea of having 3 female host on the show all having different levels of experience to bring to the show. I felt it would add sexiness to the show. I already had someone in mind; however this other person declined the offer. I seen the “BIGGER” picture and believed that we could take the show to the next level. To my surprise, when I had asked for a current agenda and a list of guests she had in mind to interview the next few weeks to come; she had neither agenda nor any guest despite the excitement she expressed in previous messages about future shows. I then suggested that we contact as many people as we possible could in able to lock some interviews in for the next four weeks and recommended that we at least make the attempt to have our agenda planned out 30 days in advance each month. Being excited about the BIG picture that I had in vision, I also thought it would be a great idea for me to have my own identity and suggested that I brand a signature by using a different image (pic) when promoting the shows, i.e.,
I wasn’t necessarily fond of the choice of pic/logo she had chosen to represent the show, however didn’t expect for her to change it due to already being established. Not to mention, we both have our own personalities and I felt it would be great for us to have our own image for the show.
From that point on when accepting add request on MySpace I responded with a “thank you” including my signature for branding & promotional purposes. I also started promoting for the show by posting bulletins via MySpace Titled: “COME AND GET SOME LIPSERVICE” This idea worked out very well being that I have over 2000 friends on MySpace. She may not understand how it works, but promotion has everything to do with boosting a shows rating and by me sending a thank you out to each add request that I accepted helped to promote her show taking it to the next level. Promotions is my forte’ and something that I do well being in the Public Relations & Business Development field so sending the promos out was nothing new to me.
Little did this person know when seeking a co-host who seen the BIGGER picture that she ran into an “Ordinary Woman with Extraordinary Dreams” and not only do I see the bigger picture but I have the business sense, drive and resources to take it to the next level and obviously seen a bigger picture than she herself had in mind.
Unbeknowst to me at the time, but most recently discovered while doing some research Shade 45 Radio (on Sirius) was already headlining a show titled "Lip Service" hosted by Angela Yee & Leah Rose. Go to and you decide if something so similiar can be a coincidence. Take NOTE: Shade 45 Radio "Lip Service" was established in January of 2007, months prior to the host of "OutofService" setting her show up.